Celebrating Our Year 6 Leavers: A Memorable End of Year at Sherborne House

Posted: 24th July 2024

As the academic year draws to a close, we find ourselves reflecting on the remarkable journey our Year 6 students have undertaken. Their final weeks at Sherborne House were filled with unforgettable experiences, achievements, and celebrations, making their departure both a proud and bittersweet moment for us all.

Our Year 6 students showcased their talents and hard work with an extraordinary performance of Beauty and the Beast. Months of preparation culminated in a magical evening where they brought the beloved tale to life with captivating acting, beautiful singing, and impressive stagecraft. The dedication and enthusiasm shown by every student were truly commendable, and the entire school community very much enjoyed their performance. Congratulations to all our performers for a job well done!

To celebrate their achievements, the Year 6 students enjoyed an exciting end-of-year trip to Marwell Zoo. The day was filled with adventure and learning as they explored the zoo, discovered a variety of animals, and participated in educational activities. The trip provided a wonderful opportunity for the students to bond and create lasting memories with their friends and teachers.

The fun didn’t stop there! Our Year 6 students were treated to a special fun day on the last day of term, which included a host of entertaining activities. From bouncing around on the bouncy castles to wrestling in sumo suits, the laughter and joy were infectious. The photo booth was a huge hit, allowing the students to capture silly and sweet moments with their classmates. It was a day of pure enjoyment and celebration, marking the end of their primary school journey in style.

The culmination of the celebrations was the poignant leavers service and graduation ceremony. This special event honoured the academic achievements and personal growth of our Year 6 students. Awards and commendations were presented to recognise their hard work, contributions to school life, and the positive impact they have had on our community. It was a time of reflection, gratitude, and looking forward to the future.

As we bid farewell to our Year 6 leavers, we do so with immense pride and heartfelt wishes for their future. Each student has left an indelible mark on Sherborne House, and we are confident that they will continue to shine as they move on to their secondary school adventures. To our Year 6 students, remember the lessons learned, the friendships made, and the memories created here. 

Congratulations once again to our Year 6 leavers! You will always be a cherished part of the Sherborne House family. Wishing you all the very best in your future endeavours.

Thank you for making your time at Sherborne House so special. Here’s to new beginnings and continued success!


Categories: School Blog