Each child becomes a proud member of their House community; adding a ‘vertical’ pastoral system which celebrates House identity, strength and uniqueness. This vertical system ensures children have friends outside of their year group. The children in Year 6 take on further responsibility for groups of younger children as House Captains, acting as ambassadors for their House.
At Sherborne House we take pride in awarding children house points for courtesy, for kindness, for diligence and for a pride in their efforts (both academic and pastoral). These house points are collected and celebrated weekly within our assembly, with recognition for individuals who have earned the most for their House and for the House who has collectively earned the most points.
When it comes to the numerous competitions between the Houses, that are taking place in a growing range of activities (in a range of disciplines), there is expression in a healthy competitive spirit. Each child has a part to play in the success of their House; through application of talent, enthusiastic participation, or through the support of their peers. This House spirit is none more evident than on our annual Sports’ Day in the Summer Term, where each child wears their House Shirt and House colour with pride.